IsNibiru going to appear in April, 2003 as is being claimed by certainNew Age Gurus?Ina word, NO. And you can take that to the bank.Itis part of a COINTELPRO operation designed to drive believers over theedge and force legislation against alternative ideas, research, andthe free exchange of information over the internet.It is part of the.RememberHale Bopp? Remember Heaven's Gate?
Have we learned anything?Readthe following articles very carefully. Indeed, at some point in thefuture, but it won't be because of the Planet Nibiru, and it isn't goingto be in 2003.COINTELPROis at work in the New Age!COINTELPROwas the FBI's secret program to undermine the popular upsurge whichswept the country during the 1960s. Though the name stands for 'CounterintelligenceProgram,' the targets were not enemy spies. The FBI set out to eliminate'radical' political opposition inside the US. When traditional modesof repression (exposure, blatant harassment, and prosecution for politicalcrimes) failed to counter the growing insurgency, and even helped tofuel it, the Bureau took the law into its own hands and secretly usedfraud and force to sabotage constitutionally - protected political activity.Its methods ranged far beyond surveillance, and amounted to a domesticversion of the covert action for which the CIA has become infamous throughoutthe world.Inrecent years, the FBI and other agencies have tried to clean up theirimage.
They have engaged in careful concealment of post-COINTELPRO domesticcounterintelligence operations. This effort has sold the 'new FBI' tosome of the most prominent critics of earlier COINTELPRO. Universityprofessors and congressional committees that helped to expose the domesticcovert action of the past now deny its persistence in the present.
Becauseof their credentials, these respectable 'objective' sources do moredamage than the FBI's blatant right- wing publicists. Left uncontested,their sophistry could disarm a new generation of activists, leavingthem vulnerable to government subversion.Inaddition to political activists, it seems that COINTELPRO has particularlytargeted groups that are seeking the truth about the interactions betweenthe US government and Ultra Terrestrials, or so-called 'aliens- denizens of hyperdimensional realities.TheCOINTELPRO files show the U.S. Government targeting a very broad rangeof religious, labor and community groups opposed to any of its agendas,and it would be foolish to not realize that this very operation extendsto the US coverup of its 'alien agenda.'
Thepresence of a COINTELPRO operation also goes far in explaining why,when the sincere researcher enters this field, he or she discovers onlylies, lies, and more lies. Confusion and disinformation. And it is clearlydeliberate, promulgated by Metaphysical Mavens and New Age Impresarios- COINTELPRO agents, all of them.Theobjective seems to be to attack and 'neutralize' those who are seekingthe answers by marginalization, by conversion to wild beliefs that later'fall through,' and perhaps even by generating conditionsthat force legislation against alternative research.
The famous Hale-BoppFlopp is a case in point.Onemore incident of wild promulgation of End of the World ideas that leadto erratic or fanatical behavior in any group of people, and the freeexchange of ideas on the internet will come to a screeching,legislated halt. Count on it.Aswe have delved deeper into our investigation of the series of attackslaunched against us personally, and our work and our discussion/researchgroup, the reality of continuing COINTELPRO-type attacks on progressivethinking became more and more evident. As we published these files,we received further information from other researchers that they, too,had been subjected to identical operations.Ongoing domestic covert action is more than amply documented by Whatwe are discovering is that the targets are not limited to the opponentsof U.S. Political policies. They have developed COINTELPRO toan all new level of Social Shaping, Cultural Brainwashing, and thisincludes virtuallly anyone who is seeking the truth about the shiftingrealities of our world.Thecases of COINTELPRO activities against political groups are no morethan the tip of the iceberg, given that the great bulk of COINTELPRO- type operations remain secret until long after their damage has beendone.
By all indications, domestic covert operations have become a permanentfeature of U.S. Politics, and Social Programming.Theimplications of this are truly alarming. Those who manage to get closeto the truth of these matters, despite the many obstacles in their path,face country wide covert campaigns to discredit and disrupt their researchand reputations.Clearly,COINTELPRO and similar operations under other names work to distortacademic and popular perceptions of the problems facing our world. Theyhave done enormous damage to the search for the Truth.TheseCOINTELPRO operations are clearly formidable and dangerous. Yet, withnetworking, sharing of information, and exposure of the agents, suchcovert action is not insurmountable. Knowledge Protects.' Terrorismis changing.
New adversaries, new motivations and new rationales havesurfaced in recent years to challenge much of the conventional wisdom.' Bruce Hoffman, Director of RAND, WashingtonOnehas to wonder why anything that 'challenges the conventional wisdom'must be considered 'terrorism?' Andhow better to 'take care' of those who challenge the 'conventionalwisdom,' the 'control system,' than by making it a crimeto 'think out of the box?' And how to make it a crime? Machiavelliwrote the manual. All you have to do is create or infiltrate groupsthat supposedly 'think out of the box,' then subvert themor drive them to irrational acts, or even commit terrorist acts in theirnames, and there you have it!COINTELPROprepares the ground, so to speak, so that terrorism is more effective.You could call them the 'opening acts' of the main attraction,sent in to soften up the audience. They are the 'sales team'that sell the ideas upon which the later acts of terrorism depend foreffectiveness.